Elevate Professional Performance with Humor and Improv Training

Improv is a world of intense listening, trust, collaborative creativity, and performing with confidence. In this workshop, your team will explore the skills that help improvisers succeed and learn how those same skills can help you succeed in the workplace. 

How Does It Work?

  • Once your team representative completes a pre-event survey that tells us all about the group, the background of the event, and any extra important details that you’d like to include, we will hand select the best comic for your event.

  • For an on-site event, in order for the event to work best, we require, at minimum, a microphone with amplification. If you cannot provide one, let us know and we can rent this for you for a fee.

  • Once the event and AV details are squared away, we are all set! Show up with a positive attitude and be ready to have fun, but even if you’re not in the mood, don’t worry, your mood will change in no time.


  • Laughter is an effective tool that we’ve been using since man made fire and laughed at his friend for burning his eyebrows off. Ok, that might not have happened, but we know laughter has been around for a long time. In fact, you likely already use laughter throughout the workday and don’t even realize the benefits. Using humor at work doesn’t mean to make more jokes or swing for the fences to make people laugh, it’s all about being open to the energy that someone is sharing. Laughter is almost always a by product of effectively communicating by listening to ideas, supporting the choice to share that idea, and leaving the door open to then share and expand on that idea.

  • Using Humor for Professional Development is a type of Laughing & Development event that focuses on learning while laughing. This event involves games and exercises facilitated by a professionally trained improviser that will take you through a carefully crafted curriculum to get the most out of the experience. Popular themes are enhancing communication skills, boosting creativity and innovation, and improving team dynamics.